UKAA Annual BTR Conference & Industry Awards 2022
UKAA Annual BTR Conference 2022
The UKAA Annual BTR Conference & Industry Awards 2022 will take place on Tuesday 15th November 2022, when major players from across the Build to Rent (BTR) sector will come together in London to focus on the headline theme: The Pursuit of Excellence.
By focusing on excellence, the conference will support UKAA’s efforts to drive up standards and showcase best practice across all parts of the BTR sector, ultimately resulting in the improvement of the UK’s rental offering. Examples of excellence in many forms within the sector will be highlighted at the event, including a specific focus on equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI).
The conference will continue UKAA’s work around EDI, following on from the market Snapshot on diversity undertaken earlier in 2022 in partnership with Swift Bunny. The survey has become a benchmark of diversity and inclusion in the sector and the Annual Conference will look at ways in which that work can be taken forward. The BTR sector and the customers it serves are not a homogenous group but a diverse range of individuals to be recognised, listened to, understood and celebrated.