RUCKUS Networks and Nokia Collaborate to Deliver an AI-driven Wi-Fi and Fiber Connectivity Solution

The integrated Wi-Fi and fiber solution delivers a remarkable purpose-driven end-user experience in key industry verticals
3 de septiembre de 2024Claremont, NC

CommScope (NASDAQ: COMM) and Nokia today announced an AI-driven solution for enabling seamless in-building and campus-wide connectivity, uniquely tailored to the needs of diverse industry verticals. The collaboration provides an innovative integrated fiber and Wi-Fi® solution designed to deliver an exceptional end-user connectivity experience in multi-dwelling units (MDUs), hospitality, large public venues (LPVs) and education, among others. 

The solution deploys an AI-driven Wi-Fi solution from RUCKUS Networks coupled with high-capacity optical fiber network from Nokia. This combination delivers superior levels of scalability, bandwidth, reliability, and energy and operational efficiency, potentially reducing the total cost of ownership—a game changer for campus and in-building connectivity. 

“RUCKUS Networks is the industry leader when it comes to delivering the best end-user experiences. This purpose-driven RUCKUS Wi-Fi and Nokia fiber solution will enable use cases where traditional IP-based networks are difficult to install and a simple cost-effective solution is required,” stated Bart Giordano, SVP and president, Networking Intelligent Cellular Security Solutions, CommScope. “This joint offering allows us an opportunity to meet the needs of a larger addressable market.” 

The solution enables the robust backbone needed to support a wide range of bandwidth-hungry and latency-sensitive applications such as AR/VR/XR, 4K video streaming and conferencing, and online gaming as well as IoT devices such as smart thermostats, lighting systems, security sensors and more that have become mainstream in verticals such as hospitality and MDU. The solution can be readily deployed by integrators, telco, cable, managed service providers and LAN service providers and will accelerate time-to-market and reduce operational costs while enabling the ability to offer revenue-generating value-added services. 

“Fiber is a fantastic technology with a wide range of benefits. As an Optical LAN, it can reduce energy costs by 40% and TCO by as much as 50%. When combined with RUCKUS Networks’ industry-leading Wi-Fi portfolio, we are creating a campus connectivity solution that will allow enterprises to grow their business, reduce their costs, and be more sustainable,” noted Sandy Motley, president of Fixed Networks at Nokia. 

Tim Dyer, VP WW Service Provider Sales and Business Development, RUCKUS Networks added, “Having validated this initiative with several Tier one service providers globally, confirms our confidence of both market readiness and that it’s a unique offering. Service providers are excited about the opportunity to address both greenfield and brownfield environments with the same solution while fundamentally changing their deployment economics and ROI.”




CommScope y el logotipo de CommScope son marcas comerciales registradas de CommScope y/o sus afiliadas en los Estados Unidos y otros países. Wi-Fi is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. For additional trademark information see All other product names, trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners.


Acerca de CommScope: 
CommScope (NASDAQ: COMM) y las recientemente adquiridas ARRIS y Ruckus Networks están redefiniendo el mañana configurando el futuro de las telecomunicaciones cableadas e inalámbricas. Nuestro equipo global combinado de empleados, innovadores y tecnólogos ha permitido a los clientes en todas las regiones del mundo, anticipar lo que sigue y ampliar los límites de lo que es posible. Discover more at


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Contacto de medios de noticias:
Luke Hamer 

Contacto financiero:
Massimo Disabato, CommScope 

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Fuente: CommScope