Broadband for Everyone™
Rural (America) Solutions
At CommScope, we believe that connectivity knows no boundaries. In the heart of every small town and across the sprawling landscapes of rural America, we envision a future where seamless broadband access empowers communities, businesses, and individuals. With decades of expertise and a commitment to innovation, CommScope is proud to be at the forefront of bridging the digital divide and bringing the power of high-speed internet to every corner of the country.
What we offer is more than just a broadband solution; it's a promise of a brighter future. Leveraging state-of-the-art technologies, we offer tailor-made solutions that cater to the unique needs of rural areas. Your goal is to deploy fiber-optic solutions that deliver lightning-fast speeds, CommScope is here to make it a reality.
Network Planning Tools
Budget estimation and development
With billions in federal and state funding for broadband projects now available, it is time for service providers to accelerate their FTTH deployments. CommScope’s BEAP helps service providers maximize and accelerate government funding while streamlining their FTTH network projects throughout their lifecycle.
Grant funding applications
CommScope can provide the expertise and resources to help you choose the right government funding programs and navigate the application process. You’ll get a detailed report showing you how to start new projects and expand existing ones by leveraging stimulus funding.
Network planning, design, and optimization
Our team offers deep FTTH experience and robust planning tools that help guide sound architectural decisions that are right for your unique application environment. From actives and passives to the inside and outside plant, our team can help you save time, quickly recognize revenue, optimize ROI, reduce expenses, and develop a seamless execution plan.
Academia CommScope
Well-trained personnel ensure that your network is deployed efficiently and runs reliably. CommScope offers product, installation, operation, and network design training with experienced field application experts who know FTTH inside and out. Leveraging best-in-class practices based on decades of experience, we can customize training modules that are optimized for your unique needs and evolve with your business.
¿Por qué CommScope?
Implemente fibra más rápido
CommScope ofrece una cartera de FTTH integral que está diseñada para acelerar la implementación de fibra y acelerar el tiempo de comercialización.
Mejore la productividad del personal
Nuestras soluciones FTTH están diseñadas para facilitar las cosas a los técnicos que implementan fibra, aprovisionan servicios y mantienen redes.
Maximice el costo total de propiedad
Ayudamos a los proveedores de servicios a resolver los desafíos económicos únicos que son comunes en los mercados de banda ancha rurales y remotos.
Mejore la sostenibilidad
Nuestra responsabilidad corporativa y sostenibilidad reconocidas en la industria, combinadas con un enfoque de ciclo de vida completo del producto, permiten un futuro de banda ancha sostenible.
Broadband for Everyone Accelerate Program (BEAP)
Descubra el ecosistema NOVUX: el futuro de FTTX
Explore cómo puede acelerar los despliegues de fibra y responder rápidamente en un entorno de red competitivo y que cambia rápidamente con el ecosistema NOVUX. Funciona hoy y está listo para responder al futuro.
¿Cómo respaldan los despliegues de fibra los objetivos de sostenibilidad?
Vea cómo CommScope lidera el camino para ayudar a los clientes a construir un futuro de banda ancha más sostenible.
Recursos adicionales
Folleto: Cable de fibra óptica HeliARC™
Cable de fibra óptica HeliARC para implementaciones rurales FTTH.
Documento: El camino de la transformación hacia un ecosistema de conectividad FTTH modular
How CommScope reimagined connectivity around configurability, scalability and simplicity
Infografía: NOVUX®, Coming Soon to a Network Near You
This modular, end-to-end ecosystem is designed to solve the fiber deployment challenges you face today—and tomorrow.
Folleto: NOVUX® The Future of FTTX
Today’s fiber closures and terminals can’t keep up with the new demand for bandwidth and rollout speed. Isn’t it time for a new approach?
Folleto: Cable de fibra óptica HeliARC™
Cable de fibra óptica HeliARC para implementaciones rurales FTTH.
Documento: El camino de la transformación hacia un ecosistema de conectividad FTTH modular
How CommScope reimagined connectivity around configurability, scalability and simplicity
Infografía: NOVUX®, Coming Soon to a Network Near You
This modular, end-to-end ecosystem is designed to solve the fiber deployment challenges you face today—and tomorrow.
Folleto: NOVUX® The Future of FTTX
Today’s fiber closures and terminals can’t keep up with the new demand for bandwidth and rollout speed. Isn’t it time for a new approach?