Banda ancha para todos: Financiacion gubernamental

Make government funding work for you

Regardless of where you are, billions of dollars in government funding may be available to help fast-track your broadband network deployments. These funds are the catalyst that can help service providers make broadband for everyone a reality.

CommScope can help you maximize these opportunities and get the most out of every dollar with a range of full project lifecycle support offerings that include budgeting, grant application, network planning and design, training, and more.

¿Qué ocurrirá en el futuro?

Programa de Aceleración de Banda Ancha para Todos

Los fondos federales y estatales pueden ayudar a acelerar sus proyectos FTTH, pero el proceso puede ser confuso. El Programa de Aceleración de Banda Ancha para Todos brinda ayuda de expertos a lo largo del ciclo de vida de los proyectos FTTH financiados por el gobierno federal y estatal. Para los proveedores de servicios, eso significa que los proyectos financiados por el gobierno fluyen sin problemas de principio a fin. Más información


US Government funding opportunities

  • ARPA
  • BEAD
  • MM
  • TBCP
  • RDOF
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¿Por qué CommScope?

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With 40 years’ experience of delivering quality solutions to service providers around the world, we’re ready to solve any network challenge.
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Unmatched reliability icon

Fiabilidad sin precedentes

Our solutions can help keep your “always-on” networks up and running, with a level of reliability that helps you meet and exceed your subscriber satisfaction goals.
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CommScope uses sustainable practices for packaging, labeling, and installation—helping customers meet their own corporate sustainability goals.
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Seize the broadband funding opportunity
Budget estimation and development

CommScope can put your broadband project on a path to success by working with your team and consultants to develop an initial high-level design and budget guidance for your FTTH project.

Grant funding applications

CommScope can provide the expertise and resources to help you choose the right government funding programs and navigate the application process. You’ll get a detailed report showing you how to start new projects and expand existing ones by leveraging stimulus funding.

Network planning, design, and optimization

Our team offers deep FTTH experience and robust planning tools that help guide sound architectural decisions that are right for your unique application environment. From actives and passives to the inside and outside plant, our team can help you save time, quickly recognize revenue, optimize ROI, reduce expenses, and develop a seamless execution plan.

Academia CommScope

Well-trained personnel ensure that your network is deployed efficiently and runs reliably. CommScope offers product, installation, operation, and network design training with experienced field application experts who know FTTH inside and out. Leveraging best-in-class practices based on decades of experience, we can customize training modules that are optimized for your unique needs and evolve with your business.

Financiación de FTTH & BEAD para las áreas rurales de Estados Unidos

jueves, 13 de julio de 2023

Servicios profesionales

CommScope cuenta con más de 1.300 expertos en más de 30 países que han ayudado a diseñar, implementar y desarrollar redes de banda ancha para proveedores de servicios de todo tipo, en todos los rincones del mundo. We work in lockstep with our customers and their consultants throughout every stage of the network lifecycle, and we measure our success on our ability to help customers execute their network projects successfully.